
Letter to Marie

Following is a letter I wrote to Marie Kondo and her team on May 3, 2016:

Dear Team KonMari,

I attended the KonMari event in New York last week and look forward to the training in July. I particularly enjoyed meeting others who are passionate about this powerful—and life-changing—philosophy. In our group, we shared our stories—we each have our own reasons for wanting to become a KonMari consultant. I’d like to share my story with you.

A woman I have never met has changed my life. And I would like to do the same for others.

Almost six years ago, my husband, the love of my life, passed away. He gave me my most cherished gift, our daughter. He also left me a house and two enormous barns full of obscure trinkets, old cars without engines and tires, 53 coffee cans full of rusty nails—and a seemingly endless assortment of items of all kinds. To add to my grief, these items weighed me down both mentally and physically.

Then, I read the best selling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” For the first time since my husband died, I had permission to let go of the items preventing me from a simpler, more balanced life. I understood that although the barns full of stuff had made my husband happy, they had the opposite effect on me.

So, with the aid of my new book, I was finally ready—and able—to rid my home of the overabundance of items, step by step. Today I am proud to say I am in the final stages of tidying perfectly, and soon I will be done.

Now there is more time to spend with my daughter and friends, to entertain and enjoy my lovely home. I finally have control over my living space.

During this process I had an epiphany. I realized I want my family, friends, and people I have not yet met, to experience the power of tidying up. Marie Kondo truly understands what it means to remove the items from your life that don’t spark joy. And more importantly, she tells you exactly how to do it.

I want to be a KonMari consultant in the US. Recently, friends and co-workers have hired me to help them. My process is based on Marie’s book, but it’s important to me to complete the program and become a bona fide KonMari consultant. I know there is much more to learn, and I am excited to be one of Marie’s students.

I have begun the steps of starting my own organizing business, including creating a website. (I am a web designer with my own business.) I am motivated, enthusiastic, and eager to learn more. I want to help Marie Kondo organize the world and my first step will be to help people in my home state of Rhode Island.

Thanks so much for listening to my story. I look forward to learning more about the next KonMari event.

Response I received the next day…

Hi Laurie,

Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story. Your journey must have taken incredible strength and discipline, and we’re so happy to hear that KonMari helped changed your life. We’re very excited and grateful that you want to join Marie in organizing the world.

We look forward to seeing you again at an upcoming event!

Best regards,
Team KonMari